Please note: new memberships and renewals are accepted by post and electronically, using the appropriate form as highlighted below.  (If you have no facilities to print the form, please include the details in the body of an email or write the required information on a sheet of paper).  You can pay by bank transfer, cheque or cash. If you require a paper membership card, you should include an s.a.e.(stamped, addressed envelope) for your membership card.

If paying by bank transfer, please do not pay before January 1st of the relevant year.

New Members
Membership is £10 per annum, renewable every January; there is a reduced fee of £5 for October to December.

If you are unsure whether or not you want to join, you can attend our Monthly Meetings once or twice at a cost of £1 per visit.

Use the Application Form to apply for membership.

Membership Renewal
Memberships expire at the end of December.  Note that you cannot attend interest groups or vote at the AGM in March unless you are a current member.

To continue to enjoy the activities run by Poynton u3a you need to renew your membership by January 31st 2025.  You can renew by using the Renewal Form.  In order for us to keep in touch with you, please let us know if your contact details have changed, that is, phone, address or email, using either the email address or by enclosing a note with the renewal form.  Please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope if you require a paper version of your new membership card.

Membership is £10 for 2025.

Third Age Matters
If you would like to subscribe to the Third Age Matters magazine, please contact the membership secretary .

Membership Q&A

Are there any age restrictions on membership?  I was told you had to be over 60.
There are no age restrictions.  The constitution refers to older people and those who are retired from full-time work .

I can t attend General Meetings. Do I still have to pay a membership fee to join an interest group?
You have to be a paid-up member of the u3a to attend interest group meetings or visits.  This is mainly for insurance reasons.  However, the u3a has a number of Open Groups.  These are groups which can be joined by members of other NECN u3as.  NECN stands for North East Cheshire Network and consists of Bramhall u3a, Wilmslow u3a, Macclesfield u3a, Cheadle Hulme u3a and Cheadle & Gatley u3a as well as Poynton u3a.

The organisation has the word University in its title.  Do I have to have any qualifications?
No qualifications are required.  It has been suggested that the word University is putting some people off joining.

Do I have to be registered with an Interest Group to go on one of their visits?
There is no registration for a group.  To go on a visit you just have to be a member of our u3a.   However it makes sense to contact the group leader to say you would like to go, to make sure there is space on the trip and to ensure you receive all the visit information.

I joined in August.  Does that mean I renew my membership in August?
No. Membership runs from January to December so you will need to renew in January.