Monthly Meetings

Picture of Poynton Civic Centre     General Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. back in the Civic Hall.

There will normally be a Guest Speaker at each meeting and refreshments will be provided. There is a charge of £1 to cover costs and members should bring their membership cards with them.

The next meeting is the Christmas Meeting on Tuesday 17th December.  Entry is by pre-purchased ticket only.

Programme for 2024
Tuesday 16th January Alice Walker Becoming Mastermind Champion 2022
Tuesday 20th February Louise Bentley, Lancashire Wildlife Trust The Work of the Wildlife Trust
Tuesday 19th March AGM
Tuesday 16th April Frank Vigon Imitation the Sincerest Form of Robbery - Art Forgery
Tuesday 21st May Dr Steve Barratt Unidentified Flying Objects
Tuesday 18th June Graeme White The Magna Carta of Cheshire
Tuesday 16th July James Ellson Five Hours Up, Five Hours Down - Soloing the Matterhorn
Tuesday 20th August Keith Warrender Manchester and Cheshire Oddities
Tuesday 17th September Josephine Gosling Strolls Past Sculptures
Tuesday 15th October Bruce Kendrick (Author) An Eye for the Birds
Tuesday 19th November Louise Bentley, Lancashire Wildlife Trust
**Cancelled due to bad weather**
The Plight of the Humble Bee
Tuesday 17th December Christmas Meeting