Poynton u3a is an independent, self-managed charitable association with its own constitution for those no longer in full-time work. It is run entirely by volunteers and it provides opportunities for members to share experiences in a wide range of Interest Groups to pursue skills, knowledge and activities, not for qualifications, but for fun. |
Click on a blue news item below for more details. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: Details of how to renew are on our membership page. NEWSLETTER: Our latest Newsletter is now available. AGM: 2025's Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday 18th March. |
If you are retired or semi-retired and living in Poynton or nearby ..
If you enjoy exchanging ideas and interacting with others .. If you enjoy learning, and perhaps would also like to share your knowledge with others .. If you would like to form new friendships with like-minded people .. The University of the Third Age could be what you are looking for. If you are interested in joining Poynton u3a then please see the details on the membership page. We had our inaugural General Meeting in January 2011 and now have over 400 members. Over 30 Interest Groups have so far been organised and more are in the process of being formed. Details can be found on the Interest Groups page. |