Discussion Group
Organiser: Keith Batchelor
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  Meeting   The group normally meets monthly on a Thursday morning, date by arrangement.  Meetings start at 10.00am.

Thursday 24th October - Our prison system is currently facing enormous capacity problems so this morning we got together at Wetherspoons, over a cup of coffee or two, and considered various ways in which prison numbers could be reduced and offenders dealt with more effectively.  We looked at the situation across Europe and several interesting ideas emerged.  With a government review of prison sentencing in the offing, it will be interesting to see which, if any, of our ideas are in harmony with the review's recommendations.

The next meeting will be at Wetherspoons on Thursday 14th November, by which time I will come up with a topic which will hopefully stimulate plenty of discussion.

I hope to see you on the 14th,

If you fancy joining us for an animated discussion over a cup of coffee or two, then please contact me as indicated below.


