Discussion Group
Organiser: Keith Batchelor
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  Meeting   The group normally meets monthly on a Thursday morning, date by arrangement.  Meetings start at 10.00am.

Thursday 13th February - I am pleased to say that we enjoyed an animated discussion about the significance of global warming, the UK's contribution and influence on an international scale and what efforts to mitigate the potential problems we in the western world are prepared to make.

The next meeting will be at 10:00am on Thursday 13th March at Brookside Garden Centre.

Following comments at the last meeting and a suggestion from Ian, the topic for discussion will be:
"In the light of recent events concerning Ukraine, what are the implications for the USA, EU, UK, Ukraine, Russia, NATO in the near and medium future?"
I am sure this topic will generate plenty of discussion.

If you fancy joining us for an animated discussion over a cup of coffee or two, then please contact me as indicated below.


