Bird Watching Group*
Organiser: Carol Gatenby and Anne Wynn
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  Meeting   The group has relatively local weekday monthly outings with periodic weekday trips further afield.

It has been suggested that we visit RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands during the first week in September.

Many of us have been there previously. It has excellent facilities and a new, improved cafe.

As Anne and myself are on holiday during several weeks in September we have suggested either Wednesday 4th or Thursday 5th September.

In order to have an idea of numbers we would be grateful if you could reply to this email saying which, if either, of these days would suit you.

As before we intend meeting at Carol's house at about 9.30am and going from there.

Burton Mere is on the Wirral and is very easy to reach from Poynton.

We will send a reminder and directions nearer the time but an idea of approximate numbers would be helpful.

Have a good summer

Carol and Anne

* This group is currently open to members of u3as in the North East Cheshire Network.

Bird Watching pictures are available in the Photo Gallery - Click here
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