Bird Watching Group*
Organiser: Carol Gatenby and Anne Wynn
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The group has relatively local weekday monthly outings with periodic weekday trips further afield.

A select few of us had a wonderful if very cold visit to Martin Mere recently.  It's impossible to list all the birds we saw but we were treated to a magnificent variety of birds including marsh harriers, lapwings, shelducks, eider ducks, whooper swans and so on.

There is an article in the current u3a newsletter.

Next month we intend visiting Astbury Mere Country Park near Congleton.  Slightly nearer to home this time.

We will go on Wednesday March 26th so please put this date in your diaries and, as usual, please let us know if you intend coming.

Anne and Carol.

* This group is currently open to members of u3as in the North East Cheshire Network.

Bird Watching pictures are available in the Photo Gallery - Click here

